Ground Zero


There are many issues concerning the average person today, but probably none so pressing as personal health. Coronavirus did that to the world, and the follow-up program of mass vaccination has only exacerbated the situation. Public health has always been a witch’s brew, but never more potent than today. Yes, technology has never been more advanced or more reliable. But all of that gets overshadowed when you factor in what seems to be the nefarious plans of the people in charge of it. 

Or, so many anti-vaccine people say. Others still towing the party line from better days claim that nothing has changed, government conspiracies aren’t true, and people who do not comply with government health programs endanger themselves and put society at risk. They are a threat to the well-being of mankind.

The problem is, there is a lot of reliable literature to support both points of view, and people have tended to gravitate towards the side that makes them feel the most comfortable. The average person does not know the real truth, can’t know the real truth, because there is just too much information to gather, sift through, and organize to come to a truly informed opinion. Who has the time? Who has the money? Who has the access?

So, we’re left to do what we do best in such situations. Fear. Suspect. Hide. Lash out. Condemn. Attack. Capitulate. Subjugate. Etc.

But the main problem here is the same main problem that always has existed. It’s just that in our super-advanced society, it has become more of an issue. We have a yetzer hara and it controls the thinking of most people today. We are inherently selfish and greedy, and some people are just better than others at keeping it in check. How do they do it? They know it is wrong. They believe it is better to be good. And here is the most important part of all, they believe they will have to answer to a higher authority if they do not keep their evil inclination in check to the best of their ability. So they have become “good” people, and they work hard at remaining so.

Not so for so many other people. Society has been becoming increasingly godless for decades now, but that seems to have accelerated under Obama. Liberals have been pushing for a more open society for some time, but conservativism seemed to fight back for a while. But by the time Trump surprised the world and won the Presidency for four years, many of the liberal programs were already up and running, and quite irreversible. 

And after the Liberals did whatever they could to get rid of Trump, they immediately made up for the lost time. It was like children with sweet tooths being put in charge of the candy shop. Biblical morality still exists, but in pockets…for the time being. The people in charge really believe that they are the ones in charge, that they need to answer to no one higher than themselves. 

Again, these people have which moral guide to direct their actions? And we should trust them with our lives because of what again?