The most catastrophic mistake ever made by man was the illicit eating from the Aitz HaDa’as Tov v’Ra, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. He did that in the 10th hour on the sixth day of Creation. The sin led to mankind’s expulsion from Paradise, and thousands of years war, sickness, poverty, etc. We’ve been trying to get back there ever since in one way or another, consciously or unconsciously. 

It turns out that according to Kabbalah history repeats itself. Not only was there a 10th hour on Day Six of Creation, but there will be a corresponding “tenth hour” in the sixth millennium of history. That means that we will be tested again, similarly. As of 1990, for the first time since leaving Gan Aiden, mankind has found itself in the ideal position to rectify the mistake of the first man, Adam HaRishon. If we don’t understand how and why, then we will not only miss the opportunity of a lifetime, but we may not survive it. 


     Read more >

The Tenth Hour, Part 1

The Tenth Hour, Part 2

Session #1: Sequence of Events

Session #2: Different Timetable

Session #3: Prophecies Fulfilled

Session #4: The Tenth Hour

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