Worlds Apart


I just realized something. I'm not American, but Canadian. (No, I didn't just realize that. The realization is coming up soon.) Nevertheless, as a Canadian, and as a Jew who has appreciated what America has done for the Jewish people over the last 100 years, I have related strongly to America. I love their history, and what they have been able to accomplish in a couple of hundred years. I even have some pride in their past.

As a pseudo-American, I lived with the impression that all true Americans felt the same way. Even though there have always been two political parties, I assumed that everyone was still on the same team. Every people will always be made up of conservatives and liberals, but both, I assumed were more or less on the same page, or rather, the same constitution. 

I realized just recently that I had assumed wrong. Maybe it was like that about 70 years ago, but even from the time of FDR things had started to change, the liberals had begun drifting apart from the conservatives. The America that had given birth to them and raised them to be what they had become stopped being the America they wanted to die in or for. 

Like hijackers on an airplane, these Liberals have been biding their time, blending in with the rest of the passengers until the moment when they could storm the cockpit and divert the plane to a destination of their convenience. I'm more sure that all of them share the same agenda—some may be rich and powerful and just want unlimited wealth and power, some may just want to act with impunity, etc.—but they all share the same agenda: reconstitute America.

It's like living next door to someone for years, saying good morning to them each day, and thinking you know what they're like from those short daily interactions. Then, on one occasion, you are invited over to their house and you learn things about the person you come to realize you never really knew. They are worlds apart from what you thought they were like, and who you are.

That's what we're finding out about the people running America today, some of them even Republicans, too many of them actually Jews. They started slowly coming out during the Obama Administration, but we conservatives were too naive at the time to truly recognize what was happening. Dramatic changes were occurring already, but we just kept trying to rationalize them within a framework that was still relevant to everyone. 

Ironically, it was the Trump Presidency that burst the doors off the closets and revealed the Liberal agenda. He did that because he shook up what they had thought would be a rather smooth transition to a liberalized America until the anticipated Clinton Administration. Divine Providence got in the way of that and voted in Trump, which made them angry and vindictive. 

No Mr. Nice Guy. The gloves came off. The masks came off. Any moral compass they still had got stuck on south. And when they managed to steal the next election (no WAY they were going to lose a second time) from under conservative America's nose, it became no holds barred. 

Shell shocked, the Conservatives just stood on the sidelines and yelled to the referees, "Foul! No fair!" and a bunch of similar things. But though the Conservatives were caught by surprise, the Liberals had been planning all of this for decades. They were ready when their moment came. America only found out about the attack on the Twin Towers the morning it happened. The terrorists had known about it for at least 10 years prior.

But even many of the softer liberals have bitten off more than they can chew and got more than they bargained for. If Marketing and Advertising has taught us anything at all, it is how unscrupulous people take advantage of the weaknesses of more scrupulous people to get what THEY want, not what the people want. In principle, Liberalism may be concerned about the rights of the less fortunate, but in practice, Liberalism is often just the cover to line the pockets and stomachs of greedy people. 

Now what? Is America going down? Does it have to go down? Did Rome? Yes, because there were historical imperatives that had to be fulfilled, some we know and some we don't know. Moral corruption may have been the means to bring Rome down and make it vulnerable to attack from the Mongols, but it had to happen anyhow.

Likewise, America. You can't be home to half the world's Jewish population at this late stage of history and make it hard for them to leave, and not be at risk from Heaven. The means to shake the foundations may be the liberals and their agendas, but the imperative is Heaven's. 

And it may be extremely disappointing and even depressing to watch people undermine the very moral integrity upon which America was originally founded, but that too was destined since Creation. We should have known that from the beginning, but we tend to go with the flow and that can be very unpredictable decades downstream. 

So, just like we look back on the demise of one of the greatest empires of all history and wonder, "Didn't they see it coming?" we will wonder the same thing about America later as well. Unless that is, the next stage of history is the Messianic one, when it will be clear that everything had to happen just the way it did.