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WHEN I PUBLISHED Redemption to Redemption: The Very Deep & Intricate Connection Between the Holidays of Purim & Pesach back in the early 2000s, it was a spiral-bound book, A4 in size. It made sense to add my own commentary to the Haggadah, which is basically what the book was anyhow.

The section remained only an adjunct for many years because, each time I tried to turn it into an actual Haggadah Shel Pesach, I was quickly overwhelmed by the work involved. Aside from all the various sections there were to comment on, there were also all the halachos that had to be properly placed, which seemed like a daunting task for a one-person publication company.

Part of the problem was that I always started too late in the year. Every time I was inspired to take another shot, I realized I had too little time to take that shot. So, I let it go for several more years before dealing with the idea of a complete Haggadah.

But something happened this year that got me going again, but this time, just after Pesach ended, giving me almost an entire year to work on the project. This, plus the fact that you can now cut and paste the Hebrew and English text right from the Internet made it easier to stay with the project until the very end.

Finally, thank God, after decades in the making, I am ready to publish my version of the Haggadah Shel Pesach (“The Wise Son Says…”).  And, I would like to offer you, my readers, an opportunity to have a share in what is a momentous work in my personal history writing books, something that hopefully will greatly enhance the Seder experience of many for years to come.

Dedication Opportunities

I HAVE ATTACHED a PDF version of the first part of the finished work to download. I am looking for one main sponsor ($3,600) to whom will belong the full-page dedication. 

After that, there will be four quarter-page dedications with room for a shorter dedication at $1,000 each. 

A contribution of $180 purchases a name listing at the conclusion of the Haggadah. To contribute less than this, use the orange PayPal button above.

Write me at about making a contribution in shekels to receive an Israeli tax receipt. 

            I thank you in advance for your consideration.

            Pinchas Winston